ChamQ Universal SYBR® qPCR Master Mix (Vazyme, #Q711), protected by Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase (Vazyme, #P122) via an antibody-modified hot-start activation technique, is specially designed for SYBR Green I based quantitative PCR (qPCR). Unique factors (i.e. the specificity-promoting Exactor) in the optimized buffer system of ChamQ Universal SYBR® qPCR Master Mix significantly improve its sensitivity and specificity. This kit contains unique ROX Passive Reference Dye and is applicable for all Real-time PCR instruments, including instrument that needs no ROX dye, low ROX dye, or high ROX dye. The mix is prepared at 2× reaction concentration and can be directly used for robust and low-template qPCR with high sensitivity, specificity, and reliability.Product Manual (pdf)
- Best combination of specificity + sensitivity.
- Unique antibody-modified hot-start taq, with unique specificity-promoting factors.
- Optimal concentrations of Mg2+ and dye.
- Universal: contains a unique ROX Passive Reference Dye and is applicable for all Real-time PCR instruments (no ROX, low ROX, and high ROX).
When order, Cold Shipping option have to be selected, or your order may be delayed.
Selected Product Citations
- Guo C, et al. Cholesterol Homeostatic Regulator SCAP-SREBP2 Integrates NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and Cholesterol Biosynthetic Signaling in Macrophages. Immunity, 2018, 49(5): 842-56.. Pubmed ID:30366764
- Xu L, et al. The transcription factor TCF-1 initiates the differentiation of T(FH) cells during acute viral infection. Nature Immunology., 2015. 16(9): 991-99.. Pubmed ID:26214740
- Liu X, et al. BMI1 and MEL18 Promote Colitis-Associated Cancer in Mice via REG3B and STAT3. Gastroenterology, 2017, 153(6):1607-20.. Pubmed ID:28780076
- Qiu W, et al. Deciphering Pancreatic Islet β Cell and α Cell Maturation Pathways and Characteristic Features at the Single-Cell Level. Cell Metabolism, 2017, 25(5):1194-205.. Pubmed ID:28467935
- Zhou H, et al. In vivo simultaneous transcriptional activation of multiple genes in the brain using CRISPR-dCas9-activator transgenic mice. Nature Neuroscience, 2018. 21(3):440-6.. Pubmed ID:29335603
All components should be Store at -20°C. Protected from light.
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